Viewpoint for Infor System21
Viewpoint for Infor System21 is an end-to-end barcode data collection solution that seamlessly connects the factory and warehouse to InforSystem21
Flexible, configurable, and fully functional out of the box
Viewpoint for Infor System21 comes with 150+ robust, configurable barcode scanning transactions that fully integrate to all versions of Infor System21. Viewpoint operates live on the IBM System i platform that through settings, works the way you do with no customizations necessary.
Extend the core capabilities of Infor System21 with Viewpoint. In just a matter of hours, get real-time, seamless data flowing from the factory and warehouse floor to the Infor System21.
Extend functionality with Viewpoint
Rebuild trust in your inventory traceability with Viewpoint's License Plating feature—Trace lots, parts, and serialized items as materials progress from manufacturing through shipping. Improve accuracy and increase efficiency with greater visibility and control over your warehouse and factory floor. Streamline your business processes by eliminating tedious multi-step operations with Viewpoint's powerful Directed Pick and Directed Putaway capabilities.
The Nutech Solution
At Nutech Systems, we proudly employ a customer-driven development strategy to improve our product base functionality rather than one-off customizations. Get peace of mind knowing that you have both software and comprehensive software support for all your devices.
With over 30 years of experience, we are your barcode data collection experts. Barcode data collection is all we do.
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